Careers360 World-class universities: What can India learn? | Page 19

World class university Nobel prizes A prize that remains the gold standard of excellence Awarded each year for excellence in five disciplines and one activity (peace), this prize is a coveted honour. We explore its near total absence from Indian shores Cambridge university has 29 Nobel laureates on its rolls, indicating its academic richness by Team Careers360 U niversities have traditionally been home to maximum number of academic Nobel awardees and the number of awardees that a university holds, communicates its intellectual richness and vibrancy. Indian universities, has been woefully ill represented in the Nobel pantheon, with just one prize awarded to Sir C V Raman from Calcutta University for his work on physics. Though intellectuals argue that it is an irrelevant standard of excellence, as Prof. CNR Rao does in the facing page, its allure remains undiminished. Shanghai