Careers360 World-class universities: What can India learn? | Page 18

Global Patents Granted Stock at USPTO till 20/12/2013 University Patents Granted 2010-2012 University of California System I am totally against patents. I have never patented any of my ideas. If you patent something, you are prohibiting people from using it in a free manner. One has to either pay a large amount or follow certain conditions and then only they can use the ideas. I doubt that any of my ideas would have been used that much, had they been patented. In fact, my supervisor told me, you would have been a millionaire, if you had patented NSGA. But then it would not have been so much popular. Most of the universities are asking students to do more research, handle more projects and gain patents. It gives more fame and popularity to the institute 8436 1185 4211 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 600 2688 The University of Texas at Austin 450 2492 California Institute of Technology 396 1620 Johns Hopkins University 224 1546 University of Michigan - Ann Arbor 292 1255 Columbia University 245 1191 University of Pennsylvania 226 1117 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 281 1030 University of Washington 213 Indian Patents Granted Stock at USPTO till 20/12/2013 University Patents Granted 2010-2012 Prof Kalyanmoy Deb, Formerly with IIT Kanpur Indian Institute of Science, (iisc) Bangalore research output in the form of publications are making an attempt to build an innovation ecosystem that includes protecting their intellectual assets. However, compared to the global standards, the divide is too big. According to Dr R A Mashelkar, President of Global Research Alliance and former DG of CSIR, “One of the tragedies of our country is that the great connection between Saraswati (the goddess of knowledge) and Lakshmi (the goddess of wealth) is not understood.” NIPER, Mohali is one among the emerging players active in patenting activities while IISc Bangalore and IIT Bombay are the best in India at both USPTO and at the Indian Patent Office. 58 23 21 IIT Madras 7 10 University of Delhi 4 7 IIT Kanpur 6 IIT Delhi 1 5 TIFR, Mumbai 1 4 AIIMS, New Delhi 1 4 Anna University 3 3 Careers 7 11 49 IIT Bombay IIT Kharagpur 1 360 January 2014 —