CARD 548 STUDY Career Path Begins/ CARD 548 STUDY Career Path Begins/ | Page 4
Strategy Assignments;1.Complete either of the following (a or b):
a.Choose one Man/Woman/Persons Of The Year from Time Magazine
over the last ten years, and prepare a brief report on that person's
career path. What event(s) triggered their designation, and what, if
anything, do you find inspiring about their career? (Maybe pick an
earlier year than 2007, which is YOU!) Time (You may wish to check
out the "Time 100" most influencial people of the year.) As an
alternative to Time Magazine, go to Fast Company or another
business magazine and check for outstanding business leaders. Fast
Company Or, you might try Forbes, Business Week, or Fortune.
Forbes Business Week Fortune Try the Academy Of Achievement and
see the note on Oprah Winfrey and her Use Your Life Awards. Oprah
You may also select option (b) below.;b.Choose a person in your
personal experience (either that you know/knew, or read about) that
exhibited superior leadership skills and career achievements. What is
most remarkable and inspiring about their story?;2.Complete either of
the following (a or b) a.Visit the website for the Bureau of Labor
Statistics at the U.S. Department Of Labor, and check out the
Occupational Outlook Handbook. Occupational Handbook Prepare a
brief (one page) report on what you found most useful to your career
direction. File the report in the Dropbox. (10 points);b.Visit the
website for the Secretary's Committee On Needed Skills at the U.S.
CARD 548 Week 3 Stress Processing Report (SPR)