Carbon Action Project Launch Booklet | Page 11

dioxide) is associated with your daily activities. By “measure” we really mean “get a sense of”, because, well as Jacqueline Ronson puts it Try to imagine, if you will, the carbon footprint of a single steak — all the resources that went into growing the feed for the cow, all that methane from its farts, the processing and transportation, the cooking. Now imagine repeating that process for not just one steak, but every resource you consume in a year — your food, home energy, transportation, goods, services, even Snapchat. It’s impossible. …. Carbon footprint calculators don’t exist to be accu- rate. They exist to help people get a sense of which daily activities consume the most global resources, and provide suggestions on how to do your part to fight climate change. https:// The carbon footprint calculator we are using for the Carbon Action Pro- ject is the Australian Greenhouse Calculator (AGC) developed by EPA Victoria. The AGC calcu- lates your household’s greenhouse gas emissions for a year. It takes in- to account five main areas: transport, residential energy, food, consum- er goods, and waste, with 11 categories in all. Emissions are calculated with each input so you can see how changing your behaviour (driving fewer km’s, eating less meat) change your footprint. One reason for choosing the AGC, besides it being interactive and easy to use, is that it is based on Australian data (rather than UK or US, for example), which means your emissions are compared to an average Australian home and an ideal Australian ‘green home’ so you get a real- istic idea of where you stand. Another reason is that it has options for both a “Quick” calculation (which takes about 15 minutes) and a “Detailed” calculation where you can see and make changes to the vari- ables used in the calculation. Although the “Quick” option requires fewer numerical inputs, as it makes assumptions about what is typical for car usage, types of food, etc, it does require estimates of what you spend shopping for food, consumer goods, etc. So, it might be best to keep your receipts for a couple of weeks before starting the calculation. With both options, you can see what inputs are required without having to enter anything – another ad- vantage of this calculator – and you can save your calculation at any time. When you complete the inputs, you get a visual breakdown of your car- bon footprint, making it easy to see which life-style category is responsi- ble for the most emissions. A report (i.e. table) with the numerical values is also produced. Here’s what the graphical output looks like: Carbon Action Project 8 1 March 2020