Cararoo Newsletter Cararoo Christmas Newsletter - 2017 | Page 10

A special experience ….. Accenture and Cararoo

A special experience ….. Accenture and Cararoo

Work Case Study Program
Good friend and supporter of Cararoo , Richard Cook , organised for 22 senior consultants and management of Accenture Philippines to work with Cararoo for a day of professional development activities .
The first part of the day involved 7 of Cararoo ’ s senior high school students visiting Accenture head office in Makati Manila . Here they experienced a large office working environment , including security procedures , use of the latest computer terminals and career counselling . They also had to present themselves individually before a large group of management - which they did beautifully , even though it must have been a very nervous time for them .
After sharing a lovely lunch it was time for the next activity ………………..