CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Publicly Traded July / August 2019 | Page 64

Larry Fenner: Our plan is to have a price point comparable to the competitors. Reason being is the consumer would much rather pay for something with much better options and a better experience for a compared price.

CIM: What are your price points compared to your competitors?

Larry Fenner: We have a few engineers with over 30years experience in R&D and a world-renowned artist who oversees our marketing and online presence. We also have a CFA who just came on board with years of experience. Finally, we have an Investor Relations team with over 20 years of experience at major brokerage firms and " Fortune 500 Companies." This is not my first go around, as mentioned I have proven success with building a product from the ground up. It is very important to have a positive team with certain skill sets to see operations through.

CIM: Due to the fact this is a new industry and there are no historical comps, investors use management team experience as a key metric when investing, what past skillsets and experiences does your management team have to give investors confidence that Magna Flux will be successful?

Larry Fenner: We don’t foresee any risks because we are selling empty cartridges, so we are not under any regulation.

CIM: What are the risks associated with Magna Flux? How is Magna Flux impacted by federal legislation?