CANNAINVESTOR Magazine U.S. Publicly Traded July / August 2019 | Page 63

Larry Fenner: Even though we are a startup company and have not officially launched we feel like there are no major competitors. We are the only ones revolutionizing the way vaping is currently being used. But if I had to choose a major competitor it would have to be Juul. Giving what we have to offer I see myself as a benefit to Juul and respect the success that they have obtained.

CIM: Who are your major competitors?

CIM: What are the differences in the Magna Flux vape cartridge versus your competitors?

Larry Fenner: We are compressing oil/e-juice/distillate/shatter/crumble, viscosity is no issue. You could literally use one of our cartridges as a Dab Rig. Nobody has the capability of doing such a wide range of products. You can now vape in any position. You can store this cartridge in any position with no worries of spilling the product.

CIM: Why would customers choose your vape cartridge over your competitors?

Larry Fenner: The Flux is better in every way. Right now, there is not one cartridge on the market that you can put literally any biproduct in and expect it to function properly. There are cartridges made specifically made for distillate, oils, hemp and e-juice. Ours is the 1st of its kind to take on all these products and it is just amazing.