My Patterdale Terriers are working dogs and bred solely for their working ability . So why should I be concerned with a breed standard ?
Q & A with ADBA
My Patterdale Terriers are working dogs and bred solely for their working ability . So why should I be concerned with a breed standard ?
The ADBA Patterdale Terrier breed standard , like the American Pit Bull Terrier breed standard was written based on the working history of the dog as a go-to-ground terrier . Those physical characteristics that enable the dog to do its work are explained in the standard in detail as function equals form and forms enables function .
A breed standard is a blue print for the ideal conformation that would enable a dog to perform its historic function as well as live an injury free life . The breed standard outlines , not only those traits that are essential for the dog to perform its function , but also the component of structural soundness essential in the breed . Structural soundness enables each part of the dogs body i . e . joints , ligaments and muscles to function efficiently with every other part of the body with the least amount of wear and tear . Many times a dog ’ s determination and focus on its work can compensate for a structural fault ( s ) but over time the wear and tear takes its toll on a weakened joint . When one part of the body fails , this places a burden on the parts of the body adjacent to the injury , placing more wear and tear in that area . Over time , more injury and scaring occurs until the dog is unable to hunt despite their gameness and willing spirit . It is our goal to see our Patterdale Terriers capable of hunting well into their geriatric years .
Selection of breeding stock for breed type along with working ability and soundness of structure and temperament will guarantee quality Patterdale Terriers that are distinctive as a breed for the future . It is NOT breed either for working ability or breed for structural soundness and breed type . It is breed for BOTH !