Catch Dog
Patterdale Terriers
Patterdales of the Catch Dog Place…… over the past forty some odd years we have been fortunate enough
to have breed some of the best working dogs in the world. We have used the American Pit Bull, Patterdale
and Boston Terriers in these endeavors. The Bostons are all gone, except for one old man who can live
out his days here. The kennel reduction has taken its toll on the Pattys and we will be selling most of the
ones we have left and focus on our first love, the A.P.B.T. We feel that the Patterdale Terrier has a bright
future and are some of the best all purpose working dogs in the world today. While we do not plan to ac-
tively breed them any more, we will keep a few select males as watch dogs and they will also be at stud,
so we may have an occasional pick of the litter pup or two for sale. What we have left is a blend of the old
and new Nuttall with the Gould. We also plan on staying in the loop, as this breed is very special to us,
and hope to always be able to point you in the right direction for what you are needing. Remember, the
Patterdale is king of the little big dogs and a very high energy creature that must be kept up…… And they
are not for everyone or situation.
G ary or C harlotte H ammonds
at (817) 473-9092 catchdog 51@ gmail . com
A ll D ogs R aised , B red A nd S old F or L egal P urposes