Canine Quarterly - ADBA CQ April 18 | Page 3

ADBA Canine Quarterly - P.O. Box 1771, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 - (801) 936-7513 - fax (801) 936-4229 - E-mail: [email protected]. Be sure to visit our website for information, ap- plications & more! All written material submitted to the Canine Quarterly for publication must contain the legal name of the author and current address. Nick- names or initials may be used upon request but full legal name must accompany all written ma- terial submitted for printing. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the American Dog Breeders Association Inc. The American Dog Breeders Association, Inc. does not in any way guarantee any prod- ucts advertised in the Canine Quarterly, howev- er, we will not knowingly advertise any product, by anyone, that will not live up to their claims. The ADBA Canine Quarterly is a magazine produced by THE AMERICAN DOG BREED- ERS ASSOCIATION INC. quarterly (every three months). (Winter issue, January 1st, Spring Is- sue April 1st, Summer Issue July 1st and Fall Issue October 1st. ) AD RATES Back Cover $250.00 Inside Back Cover $250.00 Inside Front Cover $250.00 Full page $200.00 Half page $150.00 1/3 pg $100.00 1/6 pg $ 90.00 Classified .................... 0.40 per word - $15 minimum (No photos accepted in classified ads) Contact [email protected] All dogs advertised in the ADBA Canine Quar- terly MUST be registered with the ADBA. (ADBA registered numbers must be included with ad- vertising information.) ALL ADS MUST BE RE- CEIVED BEFORE THE 15th (FIFTHEENTH) DAY PRECEDING THE MONTH OF ISSUE. (Jan. Issue deadline: Dec 15th - April Issue - March 15th, etc.) Any Kennel Names used in ads must be registered with the ADBA and belong to the registered owner as listed with the registration office. All photos sent into the American Dog Breeders Association Inc. are considered the property of the American Dog Breeders Association Inc. No guarantee as to placement in a desired issue, as all advertise- ment space is based on a first come basis, pro- vided all requirements are met. **ADBA Canine Quarterly reserves the right to edit any material and/or refuse publication of any material we feel may not be in the best interest of canine breeds, their owners or this magazine. **ADBA Canine Quarterly® 2016 Nothing that appears in this magazine may be reprinted either wholly or in part without written permission of the Board of Directors of the Ameri- can Dog Breeders Association, Inc. ADBA Canine Quarterly OUR FRONT COVER Fulford’s “Choco Lady” off of Mileo of the PTCA Hall of fame, was champion CZ, Junior Champion CZ, Club Champion, Junior Club Champion, and National Winner. This is the maximum that a breed dog that is not recognized by the FCI can reach in my country. She also had a ZOP exam (basic dog controllability) and also a hunting test from work underground. Fulford’s “Choco Lady” is no longer alive. She was a big, strong bitch, she was not too hard, but she had great drive and was very interested in work. She was also a great producer. All her descendants worked nicely (underground and wild boar). It was because of her descendants that I know that she brought great blood. In my kennel I also had her half-brother (he had the same father, Booths’s “Mileo” HOF (Fulford’s) named Booth’s “Tomi”. He was also a tall and powerful dog, and he was also a great hunter. This dog left many European offspring in European breeding programs. Zuzana Hodová from the Chezch Republic. INSIDE FEATURES How Dogs are Different.................................................. 04 Arthritis........................................................................... 06 Working Pit Bulldog Popular Bloodlines...................... 09 Piece work dogs or Symmetry...................................... 10 Getting to know Todd Fulford ....................................... 12 American Bully Popular Bloodlines............................. 17 Top Dog Points................................................................ 19 Exercise and Nutrition ................................................... 22 Weight Pull Rankings .................................................... 24 2017 Top Ranked Weight Pull Dogs ............................ 26 Weight Pull Points ......................................................... 28 History of Ear Cropping and Tail Docking .................. 30 We’re Breeders, Why are we Anti-Breeding ................ 33 3