Candor American-Global Relations | Page 33

What would happen if we were to remove those bases?

This is a difficult question to answer, I think it depends on a lot of variables. Looking at the bases in Germany after WWII, there were several bases opened to help stabilize the area and several of them were closed in the 2000-2010. The mission of these bases has changed over time and served purposes from stabilizing an area, the Cold War, invasions, forces that were able to rapidly deploy to different parts of the world. When we close these bases it can limit our capabilities as a fighting force. I look at the invasion of Iraq and what our main mission was to what it became, in the end I feel that we were fighting terrorist that were crossing over the border from different countries. I think this would help stop terrorist attaching us here in the US.



The Mustang

The Evolution of Mustang

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What is the purpose of the bases?

Keep relationships intact, alliances formed, and to help.

-SSG. Collins

Money and man power, it takes a lot of money to operate bases, very expensive to run. Cost effectiveness. For example, back in 80s, 90s, and 2000s lots of bases closed because of cost effectiveness, but then 9/11 happened and so we opened them back up again.


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Is that what our military bases are doing?

Not necessarily, having bases on other parts of the world is mainly strategic planning and positioning.

Sgt. First Class

Our military bases have several different types of missions based on the unit’s capabilities. Each unit is designed to accomplish different missions and they have become more resilient to accomplish different types of missions. Peace keeping is most likely an operation they are handling. Keep in mind there are bases all around the world and these units deploy to different places in the world to accomplish these missions.

In most cases, the area where the bases are actually established are stable environments.

- CW1 Rice

Should our military be the police of the world?

I wouldn’t call it “policing” more of a guiding organization. We take what we do and help guide countries in need.

- SSG. Collins

My personal belief is that we should police the world to some level. I have been in countries to where people are not safe to walk down the street without out the fear of being killed, raped, or beaten because of their beliefs or religion. Do I think we can really change these behaviors? Maybe, but it will take at least 50 years because the amount of hate against each other and how it is passed down to generations. These people will also need strong leaders to stand up and help the movement and come to some type of peaceful resolution.

I also think that once this happens we create Allies with the host nation, which could help us out in the future.

- CW1 Rice

“We need to provide a presence”

-Sgt. first class

"Guiding Organization"

- SSG. Collins

works cited