Candor American-Global Relations | Page 16

people think that it is America’s job to help those less fortunate than Americans. But is the money that the Unite Stated spends in foreign aid actually helping?

What is foreign aid?

Foreign aid is assistance that the U.S gives to other countries for global peace, security and development effort. The U.S helps other countries during times of crisis too. For the United States, it is an economic, strategic, and moral imperative.

Some places that U.S helps are Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Afghanistan, Kenya, etc. The place that is the biggest recipient of the United States is Israel, with $3 billion received from the U.S in 2012. The U.S helps Israel with mostly military assistance, but has also helped economically in the past.

The second recipient Is Afghanistan with $2.3 billion in 2012. The U.s helps Afghanistan economically and with health and education as well. The third is Pakistan with $2.1 billion. Pakistan has been helped economically as well with child survival and global health. Millions of lives have been saved with the health-based program in aid. Some resources in aid are technical assistance and educational programming.


Reaching Out

In 2015 the United States spent almost $49 billion on foreign aid!


By Natividad Mora
