Canadian Restorations GTA Inc A to Z on Graffiti Removal | Page 5
6 Solvents for Graffiti
Removal with Ease
Methylene Chloride
This is a solvent that is mostly used for removing paint. It can
remove any and all types of graffiti but due to its extreme nature
you have to be careful while using it. Use all precautions
necessary, rubber gloves, respiratory masks etc.
As a graffiti remover, alcohol is very useful. It is available in many
forms such as methyl, ethyl, isopropyl or even denatured alcohol.
In fact, you can also remove graffiti with rubbing alcohol which is
generally used for external medicinal purposes. It loosens up hard
paint easily. It is particularly efficient in removing pencil stains from
wood, magic markers and even permanent markers.
This solvent is the most effective when it comes to removing stains
from plastic surfaces. However, it also has harmful effects for
Plexiglas. In addition, it releases fumes which are hazardous if
inhaled. Therefore, you must use respiratory masks to make sure
you don’t end up inhaling any of the fumes.