Canadian Restorations GTA Inc A to Z on Graffiti Removal | Page 4

6 Solvents for Graffiti Removal with Ease  Turpentine  Turpentine is used to dissolve hardened paint that has been on your walls for a long period of time. When you are attempting to remove graffiti from a wall for the first time after days of its application, turpentine should be your first choice.  Mineral Spirits  These are more commonly known as ‘White Spirits’. You can use them as a substitute for turpentine. These are actually used as paint thinners by many artists. Mineral spirits are more effective with fresh graffiti.  Naphtha  This solvent is basically a highly flammable cleaning agent. It works best on removing crayon graffiti. But you have to be careful while using it. Make sure you have proper ventilation around you when you’re working with it. Wear protective rubber gloves and respiratory masks just to be safe.