CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE September/October 2021 | Page 16


All of us reading this do it or have done it . Whether you compete in Bikini or in Open Bodybuilding , we all have the same goal of relentlessly “ building ” our bodies through the use of nutrition , resistance training and supplements . At one point or another , all of us have different challenges in our journey to this body we dream of , but what do you do when these challenges seem almost impossible to overcome ? Do you quit ? Or do you reassess your plan and work around this challenge ?
Well , I can tell you that if you have a mindset like John Whelan , quitting is not even an option .
John Whelan has been competing since 1995 and continuously proves that age is just a number . That no matter what the challenge is , you can achieve anything you set your mind to . John was a Kick Boxer back in the 80 ’ s and saw that his true passion was to become a fitness instructor . After investing 5 years into becoming a physical education teacher , John realized that physiology was something he was mixed his extensive scientific background with more practical publications like Flex Magazine and MuscleMag international . Between the science of bodybuilding and the practical aspect analyzing the training of many top professionals , John was able to maximize how to be the best bodybuilder and trainer he could be !
I had the privilege of interviewing John and got to learn much more about his story , where you will see just the unbelievable challenges he has been able to overcome !
Juan : Hi John ! Thank you very much for doing this interview with myself and the CPA newsletter readers . I know a little bit about your history with how you started bodybuilding , but I would love for you to tell the readers about the major challenge you faced in 2008 .
John : In 2008 , I was training for the Atlantic Classic Championships and was feeling pretty good about everything . I was training harder than ever and I was in my best condition . I was really excited about this show because deep down I really felt I had a chance to win this time . I had tried in the past , 2 years in a row and fell short each time placing 2nd . This was supposed to be my last show and I was planning on retiring on a positive note .
In this sport , as in life , things do not always go as planned though . With just 2 weeks to go , after 12 weeks of strict dieting and countless hours of training , the unthinkable happened . While I was training legs , I started to experience muscle cramps and spasms in my outer thigh ( vastus lateralis ). At first , I tried to ignore it but as my workout progressed the pain increased . Rather than calling it a day and going home , I decided to continue with a few machines . Like any good bodybuilder knows , you don ’ t stop because you hurt , you push through the pain and stop when you are finished the workout . So , I finished up the best I could and then went home . very interested in . In 1995 , John was certified by the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology as a Certified Fitness Consultant as well as a Professional Fitness and Lifestyle Consultant . Although the science behind bodybuilding was fascinating to John , he also
As the evening progressed , I noticed that my legs were swelling and the pain was still increasing . As the pain escalated , every movement of my leg caused me to scream in agony . By this time my quads had swollen to twice their regular size and had turned black in color , I knew it was time to go to the hospital . The problem now was how am I going to get there . I was