CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE September/October 2021 | Page 13

Target Heart Rate ( THR ) Zone for Cardio

Marie Annette Clark , CPTN-CPT
Cardiovascular training , is an important component of physical fitness , and is more effective when performed in the THR zone .
Depending on your level of fitness , and age , you can calculate your THR zone using the Karvonen Method ...
Even if you don ' t use an app or cardio machine , you can still monitor your heart rate by taking your pulse . * See below ...
STEP 1 ... RHR Determine your resting heart rate ( RHR ) in beats per minute ( BPM ): Take your pulse AT REST or upon waking for 15 seconds then multiply that number by four .
STEP 2 ... MHR Find your age-predicted maximum heart rate ( MHR ): 220 minus age .
STEP 3 ... HRR Calculate your heart rate reserve ( HRR ): maximum heart rate minus resting heart rate .
Cardio can be any type of continuous aerobic activity that keeps your heart rate elevated for a sustained period of time .
STEP 4 ... THR LOWER END Find 60 % of your max heart rate : MHR x . 6 plus RHR = ( lower end of THR zone )
STEP 5 ... THR UPPER END Find 80 % of your max heart rate : MHR x . 8 plus RHR = ( higher end of THR zone )
General Guidelines : Take your pulse rate for 10 seconds starting your count at zero ( then multiply your pulse count by six to get bpms ) * using slight pressure with two fingers on the radial artery at the wrist or the carotid artery in the neck , early in the session after sufficiently warmed up to adjust the intensity if necessary and at the end to determine how well you did . Ideally , you want to be within the lower and upper end of your THR zone .