and it is an astronomical achievement for anyone of that age alone any age . So put that to scale , and recognize that every one of us has such powerful potential no matter our age .
So , when looking at the benefits to prep . Losing 25 pounds over 12 or 16 weeks is a cinch , food is high cardio is moderate to even low depending on individual metabolic factoring . You have awesome cheat / refeed days . You preserve muscle you don ’ t have to take insane amounts of fat loss agents or muscle preservation agents or even high amounts at all AT ALL . Or any AT ALL ! This is the long game , where will I be competing in five years 10 years , if I do it this way in five years ?. I have the potential of having a much more significant amount of muscle , maturing and not easily lost , grainy hard muscle and my body is healthy !
So , ladies Scale this back , from male athletes , and say you need to have more glutes or back development . In the example of wellness and Figure , that means 2 to 3 pounds more muscle in your butt or 5 pounds of muscle in your back let ’ s say . So instead of putting on 40 + pounds , your off-season approach is 20 to 25 pounds out of Contest shape max . Imagine this , you love ! how you look . Everyday super stoked by all the clothes that you wear , because not only do you still have abs but you look awesome in everything and especially most importantly you feel awesome in your skin year around . looking good is great , but feeling it deep in your soul inside your heart that you know you ’ re doing all the right things that show on the exterior of your body the reflection that you ’ re so happy with . Gentlemen , yes guys , this equally affects us , even if you say on the surface , it does not . Guys , we are as much susceptible to body image disorder , issues , insecurities , feeling less than awesome when we are not happy with how we look and the way it makes us feel . We are taught to over look it , ignore it . Yet it ’ s out there , and it ’ s inside us , we are very much influenced by all of the same metrics as you ladies . We just hide it , are not encouraged to speak of it , simply just to pretend that it doesn ’ t affect us . The confidence and self respect , self-love that comes with doing things that treat our bodies , in such empowering ways is the foundation . The way we look is a result , of all of our essential stimulus , it is the result , again long-term , sustainable , internal well-being is the purpose . I think it ’ s such a powerful and magnificent thing that we can create such beautiful , strong , powerful , and prepared physique I treating ourselves with deep self love and respect . Our confidence of image , mind-body connection and body image is directly correlated to how we feed and exercise our body make no mistake . If you treat your body good , you sustain , long-term healthy mind body connection .
Friends this is no small thing . Feeling good in your body is a huge apart and directly connected to your body ‘ s ability do not only gain appropriate muscle tissue but to get lean and preserve the muscle tissue while getting as necessary lean as you have to . Feeling like crap about the way you look hating the way you feel influences your body from the negative outlook . You feeling crappy , self doubting and loathing with RAMP catabolic hormones . So for the ladies your store survival fat around your reproductive organs and in your glutes and legs and eats muscle . For the Guys your body is in a heightened state of muscle wasting , and fat deposition in your genetically pre-ordained areas , love handles . Yep , crazy fat storage scenario from the stress hormones now add to that Eating all the carbs unchecked , simple processed refined sugars , oxidized seed oils , package materials food products . Because you feel crappy , and we all know that people eat crappy things to comfort themselves when they feel crappy about looking and feeling crappy . Junk food , fast food and crap cannot be processed by the body properly digest effectively , nutrient partitioned the way that our athletic bodies need and everybody ’ s body ’ s rely on in general . A tragic and vicious cycle . We create a huge inflammatory response , we ’ re bloated were full of