If it’s not complete protein it’s not doing its job. We are protein deficient in our culture today. There is a lot of confusion on proteins and what is required. Should it be Vegan or Animal protein? It doesn’t matter as long as it is complete protein. Essential fats, the word essential doesn’t mean optional, it means necessary. We must get these from foods because our body does not produce it, specifically Omega-3. Even more than protein we are short on our Omega‘s. The importance, necessary place and number of benefits in our diet are almost too long to list. Colorful vegetables are needed because they are packed full of vitamins and minerals. They also have a fibre content and are very important to cover a basic nutritional needs. Carbohydrates are misunderstood. There is a ton of misguided information on this very useful fuel. Now I say useful , not essential. We can live fine without carbohydrates. Not one thing in the body is made of carbohydrates. This is contrary to our body being a protein feeding carbon-based life form that relies on amino and fatty acids. They are least important in this equation but very necessary and very effective if used properly and from the right sources. Again I remind you this is all very basic nutrition. We must cover the bases, enough fluid, fibre, protein and essential fats. Notice how in everything that I’ve written, not one component includes or mentions supplements. Food is key, whole food not powders and pills. Supplements have their place in advanced nutrition but they should never be anything but an inclusion to a consistent thorough, well rounded and complete nutrition program. Food dude is all we need! Jed FOR THE VERY BEST IN NUTRITION ADVICE CONTACT JED WIGHTMAN SPN CSCS [email protected] EMPOWERMENT-INDEPENDENCE-SUCCESS 21