NUTRITION >>> JED WIGHTMAN PERFORMANCE/SPORTs NUTRITIONIST JUST THE BASICS ADVANTAGE FITNESS LTD The importance of real and proper nutrition cannot be overstated. Yet still, I am amazed how far away from that basic understanding we have gotten in our society today. This applies to everybody out there for the support and maintenance of good health on the most basic levels. Now, if you’re an athlete this takes on a whole new agenda of purpose and necessity. If you want to improve, or make any progress at all, it is not an option, it is essential. Let’s start with the absolute most basic fundamental, WATER. We must hydrate. This means an adequate amount of h2O per day to fulfil our bodies basic need. That doesn’t mean soda, juice, energy/electrolyte drinks or coffee. WATER. Next up is one most people forget about, don’t take seriously enough or unfortunately don’t love. It’s also taboo in our culture to talk about. Yup it helps us poop. It’s called fibre, we need at least 30 grams a day, 22 of that is Insoluble fibre! This is the fibre that does the job of colon cleansing. We don’t poop enough. What is the point of eating anything to help your body if you can’t properly pass the waste you’re producing? Think of the healthiest digestive tract, that of a baby. They poop as much as they eat. Why, because their bodies haven’t been affected by years of poor nutrition. We should take a very serious lesson from that. So the fibre gives us back what we lost. Complete protein is the foundation of all biological functions. We must get an adequate amount of complete protein. This means consuming all essential amino acids that will aid in proper protein synthesis of the protein we eat. 20