to stay focused on the process. Choose to be positive, adaptive and adhere to consistent routines. Yes it sucks that the gyms have closed, shows have cancelled or postponed and future shows have not confirmed. How resilient are you? Will you decide to let this uncertainty take you down or will you decide to persevere? Adversity buids character. Like building muscle, this process takes time but if you have a stubborn bone in your body, this is the time to use it! This is not the time to quit but to be relentless. How to deal with the Coronavirus (COVID-19): When dealing with uncertainty, focus on what you CAN do versus what you cannot do. You only have control of yourself, your attitude, your effort and your focus otherwise anxiety may get the better of you and you are not able to make healthier choices. As Dr. Ken Ravizza would say: “Control the controllables” and “Attitude is a decision”. Return to consistent routines of proper eating and training with appropriate adjustments. Character is built during adversity. How resilient are you? It’s a mindset. Choose to persevere! If dealing with COVID-19 becomes overwhelming, regardless if you are/were in prep for a show, please contact me at; (416) 805-6155 or email me at WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER TO STOP THIS! [email protected] so you can learn how to control your controllables and have a winning mindset. Lesley 15