Mental Game for Dealing with the lesley timbol Coronavirus (COVID-19) At the time of writing this article, many people are practicing the 14 day self-isolation process, myself included. Many businesses have closed to follow provincial orders. Online grocery shopping is tricky because various items are out of stock or have quantity limits and delivery times are booking 7-10 days in advance. Gyms are closed. Gasp! Many bodybuilders likely experienced some level of anxiety at this prospect alone, especially if they were in prep for a show they didn’t know whether or not was going to happen. Dealing with uncertainty is not easy but there are things of which we can be certain. One of the most influential people in sports as a mental skills guru is the late Dr. Ken Ravizza. He would use catchphrases, i.e., “Control the controllables” and “Attitude is a decision”. These are powerful statements that need further explanation. “Control the controllables”. No question there is much beyond our control with the limits CO- VID-19 is putting on all; yet, let’s 14 look at what we CAN control. For example, I can control what I eat given the food I have and sticking to my routines. Is it tempting to eat junk food, especially if you can be an emotional eater? Sure, but this is what separates the bodybuilders who will be ready to kill it at the next show from the ones who are not able to look their best. Do you have the mental game to compensate and adjust to the changes going on around you? Do you know how to learn to be uncomfortable? Let’s take the gyms closing as an example. Now I’m fortunate to have a bench and some dumbbells in my basement and I am sticking to my training and cardio routine with some modifications. Let’s say you have nothing at home. Have you checked Kijiji, EBay, or other online sites for people selling used training equipment? If this is not an option, do you have 2 buckets (for cleaning the floors, your car, etc.)? Add some bags of protein powder/books/whatever to serve as weight into each bucket. Voila! Now you have homemade dumbbells. You can use the broom handle as your bar so you can do squats for example. Use a chair to do push-ups, triceps workout, step-ups, and so on. If you have a child, depending on their weight/age/your fitness level, you can do good mornings with your child on your back. Use a paper plate on a smooth surface to do single leg sliding adductor lunges; use one plate per hand to do some sliding ab exercises. Be creative! If you are not the creative type, go to YouTube and search home workouts. Despite appropriate modifications, eating and training routines need to be consistent. This is how to compensate, adjust and keep moving forward. Use what you do have rather than focusing on what you do not have. “Attitude is a decision”. We have a choice: give up or persevere. Keep the process greater than the outcome. Bodybuilders tend to make everything about the outcomes; their final prep and stage presentation. In times like these, it’s particularly important