SPORT SAVES DION PETERSON’S LIFE R E C O V E R E D A D D I C T D I O N P E T E R S O N , G E N E R A T E S H I S E N E R G I E S I N T O B O D Y B U I L D I N G I N S T E A D O F S U B S T A N C E A B U S E . His story is not only inspiring, it’s life-saving. Dion is 43 years old, who resides in a little town of Miramichi New Brunswick spending each day pumping iron, grateful to be alive and thankful for the sport of bodybuilding. He is a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Specialist and CPA Competitor in Bodybuilding and Men’s Classic Physique. Dion has always been involved in fitness his entire life, but his passion for bodybuilding started at 16 years old when he competed in his first competition placing 2nd. After that, he was hooked. Over the past 25 years he has owned two personal training studios and coached hundreds of people working his entire adult life in the fitness industry.