New to the CPA but definitely not a a first time competitor, Mandy Squires shared this “ Posing is so important, it is both a skill and an art and in order for it to become art, it must be practiced over and over, You must have a technical foundation set to know the tricks to bringing out the best in your physique.” Posing is an art. Compulsry poses as well as rouines do not have to be cookie cutter. Yes you have to hit a pose properly but a good posing coach or seminar can teach you how to get from one compulsary to the next and make your presentation look the absolute best. While you may be happy to just hit the poses correctly it is sometimes necessary to have more. You all have your supporters, friends and family, who if shown will tell you “oh that is fantastic, great routine, you’ll kill it on stage” Who has that kind of support, put up your hand? Every parent, every friend and even some trainers will tell you you look great. Hate to say it, but they have to tell you those things, they are family. If you truly want an unbiased opinion, hire a posing coach. These folks are dedicated to serving you in the best way posssible. We have been to several posing seminars where the instructor/ coach tell competitors outright what is right and what is wrong with their presentations. They have to be honest with you, you are paying them and it is their reputations on the line if they do not help you. “Posing is an art, it’s a way to hide your physique’s weak points and showcase your strengths. The best physique on stage doesn’t always win if the competitor doesn’t know how to present their physique well. The best way to get better at posing is to invest in a posing coach and practice in front of different sets of experienced eyes. Attending CPA sanctioned posing seminars is an excellent way to develop better posing skills.” - John Aiello, CPA Show Promoter and Canadian Nationals Best Poser 2014 The final quotes here comes from Photos from Posing with the Pro classes held monthly. Competitors take advantage of IFBB Pro Fedel Clarke’s experience on exceptional posing. our President, Mr. Ron Hache, IFBB Pro Judge, Arnold’s and Olympia “ Posing has become critical to the total package presented on stage. From a judge’s perspective the first 15 seconds a bikini, figure or men’s physique competitor steps on stage for their presentation round can determine whether they are in the first call outs or not. This is the same for the first 30 seconds of bodybuilding and women’s physique. Your presentation needs to be flawless, the seminars with certified ambassadors will ensure it is done properly. Once you have done the presentation round again your posing comes into play during the comparison. The total package also includes being stage ready, after winning your class you may now be competing for that elusive IFBB Pro card with 5 or more other class winners, this is the final reward. This is where practice practice, practice of your posing will pay off, everything counts from the moment you walk on stage to the moment you leave. This applies to all categories! It’s all up to you to do your due diligence and educate yourself! To find seminars, clinics and valuable posing information please check;