education =
k n o w l e d g e
p o s i n g s e m i n a r s
Education in any discipline or
organization is paramount and
the CPA is no exception.
Opportunities abound on many
levels including testing for
judges, ambassador programs,
information and video critiques
and posing seminars for
competitors. The latter being
most important for this article.
Information sessions, while not
as plentiful this year as in the first
year will give the competitors all
the information needed to be
well versed on contest structure,
judging criteria and the proper
avenues to follow to achieve their
Posing seminars will be the focus
of this particular discussion.
First off let me say that posing
coaches as well as your trainers
and nutritionists are an integral
part of your competition journey.
Posing coaches can and do
put the finishing touch on your
months of hard work. They will
teach you the proper pose, the
right transition and the best way
to display your physique.
The CPA sanctions several
qualified posing seminars and
coaches across the country.
Some of the seminars are held
by IFBB PROS and others will
include pros to guide you.
Any of the CPA sanctioned
posing seminars allow you the
comfort of a group environment
with the option of one on one
private lessons always there
when you feel you need a little
more in depth instruction.
“Perfecting your posing is our
sports way of studying the
craft. People will spend hours
in the gym, half a day each
week prepping meals, but don’t
always invest the same level of
time and attention into their
posing. The truth is that when
two competitors are reasonably
close, the one with better posing
will always win. “ Sean Tierney,
Co-Founder/Head Coach Team
T-Rex Training
While posing seminars, classes
or a dedicated posing coach
will help you with the basics
and even advanced posing
techniques, only practice will
help you show off your physique
in its best light.
The amount of time you need,
well, that is entirely up to you.
Do you need time with the walk,
the pose, the transition or your
exit. Short answer here should
be the overall presentation. One
aspect of your presentation could
falter without the other. In the
beginning you will practice all
of the aspects individually and
at some point, when you are
comfortable, all aspects will have
to come together. PRACTICE,
We could go on and on about
the importance of posing and it
is valuable information. It might
be more helpful to hear from
some first time and long time
competitors who have availed
themselves of the services offered
by the CPA and our partners.
Dean Brandt, national level
competitor, trainer and promoter
has this to say about posing “As
part of the contest prep cycle,
everyone should include regular
posing practice, and it should
be more frequent closer to your
With the level of competition
nowadays with everyone having
coaches & trainers for their diet &
nutrition, the most over looked
final piece to having a winning
package is being able to display
it properly on stage.”
Important words there, “..display
it properly on stage.” You can see
the posing on most show pages
and Youtube fitness channels,
but are they right for your
Noted coach and competitor
Marie VanDusen had this to say
“Presenting your best physique
correctly wins the overall. CPA
sanctioned posing seminars
ensure you are learning to
present your best in the poses