vegans and vegetarians people who don ’ t eat any animal flesh or animal products , because they are not getting sufficient creatine , or any at all . Young people as well who are athletic , with hundreds over the years with all the sports teams and hockey Canada programs . Many of them really don ’ t eat enough animal proteins , or complete protein for that matter . It is a critical part of a young persons development of skeletal muscle tissue . So , Not enough , animal source , and complete protein means they ’ re not getting sufficient creatine . So if this is you , you might want to consider supplementing . Remember , it ’ s too nonessential and one essential amino acid in surplus needed to formulate creatine .
A recent study , called “ Perspective Creatine , a conditionally essential nutrient building the case ”. Conducted by a group of scientist , in Canada , really caught my attention . Specifically regarding the general public . It ’ s stated that creating a common necessary nutrient for energy production to support exercise capacity and maximizing exercise performance and and cognitive function . Was drastically deficit in vegans and vegetarians and for people who do not eat meat . Also in people with kidney disease , no , they did not find the creatine supplementation harmed the kidneys . They did discover a disorder , of creatine transport which , was quite common . A vast number of people that eat meat we ’ re not extracting the combination of the two non essential and one essential amino acid to bond together to create creatine . Almost like we have moved so far away from our ancestors tenants of what we ’ ve been influenced , and supported in our development and evolution effectively for over 1 million years . Seems like all the processed food that we eat has completely polluted us , hasn ’ t taken that long . Either , as it only began during the industrial revolution , and we now have a creatine transport disconnect , an estrogen , crisis , and obesity epidemic , and a sperm count in young men that has decreased over 50 % in the last 20 years alone . So no real dilemma here , most of us should be including creatine as one of those every day nutrients .
This was pretty cool , Hey new moms , and moms to be . Creatine is also also involved in methylation . Methylation plays , and essential role in conception . Poor methylation in it the female is directly linked to a poor fertility outcome . Methylation is directly involved in regulation of genes responsible for metabolic adaptation during pregnancy . Protecting against aberrant DNA methylation that can lead to early pregnancy loss , preterm birth , even trouble for the mother like hypertension . So for women who are wanting to get pregnant , trying to conceive and having fertility issues . Well , here is another case for creatine use as well . Crazy how back in the day it was Touted to be bad for women . I ’ m not saying in anyway that creatine is too diagnosis , treat or prevents any disease . But it is important to recognize that methylations is so important for fertility . For having healthy offspring without birth defects . The prospective study on creatine , being a conditionally essential nutrient , research also showed that creatine supplementation in people over 65 , improved memory , executive function and cognition , reflexes , and endurance . It showed improvement in memory and cognition of people with Alzheimer ’ s as well . So as we get older looks like we have even more need for a complete protein , and creatine in our daily nutritional focus .
As I mentioned above electrolytes help enhance uptake of creating . A study of 20 subjects found that when creating is co ingested with electrolytes it improves the intracellular hydration , as shown with different osmotic technologies . So looking at the ability of muscles to improve intercellular water which helps support performance because of the transport of creatine as well as magnesium , simply it makes a lot of sense . Magnesium is necessary to bring creatine across the cells membrane . Coupled with potassium and of course sodium , Himalayan pink salt is the best , help support healthy hydration as well as athletic performance , healthy heart and cognitive function . Hey digging it or what ? Y ’ all Screaming for creatine yet ?
Now another study by Frontiers in Sports and Activity living , that I want to share with you . It is as important as to what creatine does , is the timing , If you want it to work the best . Nutrient