or 2020 and
ess was #1 "
ALL IN ONE GYMS although not
common, yet, seem to be gaining
ground. Our lifestyles have gotten so
much busier it is only sensible to have a
number of services in one place.
GROUP TRAINING is definitely
not a new trend but is enjoying a resur-
gence lately. Classes, in many forms,
are available at most gyms.
thought a series on what the general
public is doing might be enlightening.
his was not intended to poke fun
at fads, that would be too easy.
This is a simple article that points
out what appear to be the top five
trends in the fitness industry in general.
Most of the items in the top five here
have been seen before or really didn't
go away. Some have new names, some
are in their infancy as in "wearable
tech", all will be around in one form or
another for years to come.
These are general fitness trends
and not to be confused with specific
training such as competitive
bodybuilding. Trainers and coaches
will and are needed for specific athlete
training. Since our focus generally has
been specific to our competitors we
Over the course of the next couple of
issues we will examine at least a couple
of these trends. There are people out
there more versed than I and certainly
more qualified who have stepped up
and will be discussing these trends at
We believe we can leave "Group
Training" right where it is. It has been
around for quite some time in the form
of spin classes, Zumba and yoga to
name a few. These have many benefits,
lower cost for volume, built in support
within the group and less intimidating
surroundings. Pick an activity you
enjoy and like every other program, put
the work in.
I feel wearable tech has so many
innovations that we may have to do
a newsletter on just that. We have all
seen the watches and Fitbits but did
you know there are full body tech suits
on the market. They measure all the
standards, heart rate, sleep time and
steps but also take everything to a
completely different level with blood
pressure monitoring and more.Suffice
to say we need an expert for that article.
All in one gyms are fairly new. Most
responsible gym owners have
always provided trusted contacts
for doctors, RMT's and the like. The
sharpest owners are now including
these services within their facilities.
Real estate and prime rental space is
expensive so for the gym owners this
is just one way to cover their most
expense liability, space.
Watch for articles on Functional Fitness
and Branded Training. Again two trends
that have been around for a while. Both
have been reinvented and have taken
on a new life in gyms as well as your
As stated earlier, trainers and coaches,
don't panic, we still need you!