" 5 top trends fo functional fitne WEARABLE TECH a long awaited comeback. Seemed like a fad in early 2015 when monitors were peaking in the fitness industry. You should see what they have come up with now! Fitness BRANDED TRAINING is surging on the forefront of the fitness com- munity. Companies like MIRROR and PELOTON have garnered a healthy fol- lowing that seems as it just increase every year. "EverythingTHAT WAS, IS NEW AGAIN" Fads turn to trends, nothing really new here. FADS come and go and some come back! Remember the fad on the right, it ranked right up there with the ThighMaster, Buns of Steel, the Ab Roller and the Cabbage Soup Diet. Suprisingly, some of the fads from the past 25 years or so are still available through Amazon and Etsy. I'm ordering my Rela-A-Cizor right now! >>> HONOURABLE MENTION SMART BOXING 82 SENIOR FITNESS CUSTOM SUPPLEMENTS