HEAD JUDGE CORNER The Presentation Round RECAP WITH RUDY by Rudy Jambrosic, Head Judge CPA In the inaugural season of the CPA, there has been an added round in the prejudging which is "the presentation round". Each competitor will come out to center stage individually and present their physique through a series of poses chosen by the athlete within a set time frame.  Bodybuilders, classic physique and women’s physique competitors will have 30 seconds and men’s physique, figure and bikini will have 15 seconds. This presentation round is an opportunity to showcase your physique to the judges where you will be judged accordingly. Once you hit center stage the timer starts and you have either 30 or 15 seconds to show the judges why you should be in the first callout. The presentation round is very critical for you as an athlete, so make sure you practice this well in advance to make the most of your time on stage. You worked hard to achieve your physique so make it count and show the judges through a series of well thought out poses and transitions why your physique is better than the next. "Timer starts when you hit center stage!" CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE