acids while fasting , well that ’ s not fasting is it ? The purpose is not to put any nutrient-based material from a food source into the digestive tract while we are on the fast , plain and simple .
So it really comes down to proper timing and what we need to do when we are to break that fast if we want to experience all the amazing benefits of this tool in our nutritional arsenal . How uncomfortable is it going without food especially when we are building and recovering all the time , it sucks , FEED ME ! Right ? Now if we get used to starving our metabolism , it slows down and our body becomes a lot more familiar and comfortable with less food . Why , well mainly because we are eating our muscle ladies and gentlemen . So , do this right , set a timer for the fast , this is not opinion of this one man , this is current research done on human beings not rats , it really just is common sense .
Finish your last meal give yourself a 12 hour window until you eat your first meal the next day . Over that time you are sleeping your body is at rest and in recovery . What better time to not have to be distracted by the fact that you ’ re not eating . When going longer than 12 hours yes people have shown more “ weight ” loss but really again , what we are doing is eating ourselves , we want to burn fat and maintain as much muscle as possible , creating insulin sensitivity and opening up new areas for you for new nutrient deposition . Now if you ’ re a runner , marathon enthusiast endurance athlete a Yogi or something of the like , well this is just fine for you . But if you were one of US , after 12 hours you are extremely catabolic . Ok , we know benefits are powerful and easily attained if we limit our fast to a window that doesn ’ t have us tip the catabolic anabolic scales to the negative .
So much is out there that we can benefit from if we apply correctly . Equally the same things can be royally detrimental if irresponsibly used , improperly advised or not thoroughly planned , positioned and implemented . Like with anything we must be aware of all of the factors before we go headfirst into any endeavour . So I encourage you all if it suits you to benefit from intermittent fasting , apply it properly . Ultimately seeking professional advisory help with how do this correctly is very important . There are many factors to consider . Like how to break the fast , what to eat at that time , incorporating cardio into the windows between last and first meal , what kind of cardio , proper fluid intake , supplementation , vitamins and minerals etc . So here ’ s to more effective bio hacking , and an always improving , healthier performing , longer living , leaner and stronger us !