production . As we know , diabetes type one and two is endemic in our culture . High blood sugar , high blood pressure heart disease atherosclerosis is all linked to the over consumption of simple and refined sugars and insulin resistance .
So , by limiting the intake of that toxic material , and proper intermittent fasting we are giving the body time to release stored sugars and give the pancreas a long and overdue break . We are helping to reverse a lifetime insulin overload and pancreatic stress , staving off onset insulin resistance and effectively regenerating our pancreas to its pulsatile insulin release protocol , lowering blood pressure and remove LDL cholesterol . Insulin is the catalyst for the deposition of these little fat globules in our arteries . This makes way for our HDL to do it ’ s job and move around our circulatory system and scrub and suck up all of the extra LDL improving our overall cholesterol balance .
One last very important point about the health benefits , especially for us building our bodies . We are eating machines and we want to be as efficient as possible right ? Well these little things in our small intestine called micro villi ( tiny hair like projections which stick out into the open space inside your small intestine ) they are what brings in the nutrients we digest and transfer to our bloodstream . When these get overwhelmed and desensitized , they die . We need to replenish them , they need to heal , and they need to regenerate . Essentially by us eating every 2 to 3 hours they don ’ t get that chance . They need at least 4 hours minimum without any activity to replenish and heal . So properly timed intermittent fasting allows this to happen , and this gives us more nutrient processing efficiency and we super charge our body ’ s nutrient uptake potential to its highest capacity .
There is so much mis-information today on intermittent fasting I could go on about this forever . However I want to cover a few key points . For all of us again in the world of building our bodies we want to have the best performance that we can , so , it is very important that we are not starving our bodies and using our muscles fuel . So by fasting , essentially starving , for long stretches during the day when we are active and moving around when everyone ’ s body requires fuel , we are diminishing our body ’ s growth and recovery potential .
“ Only eat between 4 PM and 8 PM at night ”. Silly and irresponsibly applied fasts like this encourage the body to initiate survival mode when the person starts eating again after 20 hours of not eating , especially if the wrong foods are consumed when breaking that fast . Moreover these people are then recommended to eat several big meals , or 1 big meal . Well the worst thing you can do breaking a fast is eating the wrong things like carbohydrate rich materials when your body has been starving and moving around all day and the biological imperative of survival kicks in and insulin levels go crazy . Yes fat storage . Why ? Because the bodies main concern is being able to keep itself alive and the way it does that is by storing nutrient dense energy to live in food scarce environments . Just like what took place above . Things like , just drink amino