CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE January February 2023 | Page 26

want to be , as this will help you get a preview of the positive feelings you will encounter when you get there ; this can be a very powerful motivator .
Clearly defining your goal will also be the first step in reverse engineering . Once you have defined your ultimate goal , I want you to write it down at the bottom of a sheet of paper . Now , write down at the top of the sheet at what point you are currently in this journey . Begin from the bottom of the sheet and work your way up on the necessary steps you must take in order to get from where you want to be , to where you are at now . If you are unsure of the steps , researching the internet , reading books , and seeking out individuals who have done something similar to what you want to do will be of great value to your success . For example , if there is an individual wanting to become a commercial airline pilot , the steps might look something like this :
Obtain a bachelor ’ s degree-- > Train and obtain private pilot ’ s license-- > Log 250 flight hours under different weather conditions-- > Pass Federal Aviation Administration tests-- > Become a co-pilot for a well-respected company-- > Obtain career as commercial airline pilot
Once you have reverse engineered your journey to success , make sure to constantly reevaluate where you are standing in your journey . Once you have all these steps written down , your goal turns even more realistic by becoming a plan . Now that you have steps that will show you exactly how to reach the end result , it makes it much more real . This plan can constantly be changing , but ultimately this will lead you to the success you seek . Begin by setting a time frame that you will give yourself to get to each step in your journey and devise a plan on how you will get there !
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to turn a goal into a plan :
Step 1 Find an appropriate gauge to measure your progress towards your goals . In this situation perhaps make it a routine to spend a minimum of 15 minutes every day without electronics or distractions and do some sort of activity that is getting you closer to your goals . Jot down on a calendar every day that you are successful with this new daily task .
Step 2 After some time has passed , gauge what your progress has been in the last one , three , six and twelve months as you strive towards your goal . Check for trends on where your progress was accelerated and determine what caused it . Perhaps the first 3 months you were able to do this specific action every day , but after this , it started becoming every other day and your quality time kept diminishing over time .
Step 3 Be honest and ask yourself , are you happy with the amount of progress you made ? Could you be spending more time dedicated towards achieving or accelerating this plan ? Maybe all the activities you have going on in your life can be cut down and a few extra hours a week can be dedicated to invest more time into your plan .
Step 4 If the answer to being able to progress at a faster rate is yes , then you must research and pinpoint what is holding you back . Determine

want to be , as this will help you get a preview of the positive feelings you will encounter when you get there ; this can be a very powerful motivator .

Clearly defining your goal will also be the first step in reverse engineering . Once you have defined your ultimate goal , I want you to write it down at the bottom of a sheet of paper . Now , write down at the top of the sheet at what point you are currently in this journey . Begin from the bottom of the sheet and work your way up on the necessary steps you must take in order to get from where you want to be , to where you are at now . If you are unsure of the steps , researching the internet , reading books , and seeking out individuals who have done something similar to what you want to do will be of great value to your success . For example , if there is an individual wanting to become a commercial airline pilot , the steps might look something like this :

Obtain a bachelor ’ s degree-- > Train and obtain private pilot ’ s license-- > Log 250 flight hours under different weather conditions-- > Pass Federal Aviation Administration tests-- > Become a co-pilot for a well-respected company-- > Obtain career as commercial airline pilot

Once you have reverse engineered your journey to success , make sure to constantly reevaluate where you are standing in your journey . Once you have all these steps written down , your goal turns even more realistic by becoming a plan . Now that you have steps that will show you exactly how to reach the end result , it makes it much more real . This plan can constantly be changing , but ultimately this will lead you to the success you seek . Begin by setting a time frame that you will give yourself to get to each step in your journey and devise a plan on how you will get there !

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to turn a goal into a plan :

Step 1 Find an appropriate gauge to measure your progress towards your goals . In this situation perhaps make it a routine to spend a minimum of 15 minutes every day without electronics or distractions and do some sort of activity that is getting you closer to your goals . Jot down on a calendar every day that you are successful with this new daily task .

Step 2 After some time has passed , gauge what your progress has been in the last one , three , six and twelve months as you strive towards your goal . Check for trends on where your progress was accelerated and determine what caused it . Perhaps the first 3 months you were able to do this specific action every day , but after this , it started becoming every other day and your quality time kept diminishing over time .

Step 3 Be honest and ask yourself , are you happy with the amount of progress you made ? Could you be spending more time dedicated towards achieving or accelerating this plan ? Maybe all the activities you have going on in your life can be cut down and a few extra hours a week can be dedicated to invest more time into your plan .

Step 4 If the answer to being able to progress at a faster rate is yes , then you must research and pinpoint what is holding you back . Determine