CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE January February 2023 | Page 25

New Year ’ s resolutions …. Some love them , others hate them , and many simply ignore them . In theory , New Year ’ s resolutions are something very positive . It is a promise to yourself about self-improvement . About growing as a person , having better health , being in better shape or even thriving in personal and financial wealth . Is that not the point of life ? To be better today than we were yesterday ? This constant self-improvement and growth are what allows us to avoid past mistakes and live a better life as we grow from life lessons .
So why is it that there are many people who have a negative view of New Year ’ s resolutions ?
Because it is human nature to base our opinion or judgement of something with how an experience in the past went . If you go to a restaurant , and you thought the food was terrible , chances are you probably are not wanting to go back . What if you find out that that same restaurant changed ownership and there is a new chef as well . Even if you have a million friends tell you about how amazing it is , you are still going to have a negative because of your past experience there . Same thing happens with New Year ’ s resolutions .
Many individuals have found themselves making them and consistently failing at them every year . Perhaps their goal was to lose 20 lbs . and after 3 weeks in the gym they are finding that it is challenging to take that time from another activity of the day . Perhaps someone wants to do their first bodybuilding show and they find that after a few weeks of dieting , it is much harder and slower than they imagined . There are 2 main reasons why individuals give up on their resolutions , the first one is not properly setting up goals and planning to achieve them . The other one is the fact that some individuals lack the ability to stay accountable to themselves with the promise they made to themselves .
First , let ’ s talk about how to properly set up goals .
The first step towards achieving a goal , will be to research how long it realistically takes to get there . Once you do this , you must evaluate your personal life and commitment towards your goals in order to set a date of when exactly you want to achieve this goal by . You also want a way to specifically measure your progress towards this goal with . If your goal is simply “ I want to be successful and rich ,” it will be much harder to achieve as this is not clearly defined and has no timeline . Something like “ I want to get that promotion at work and make 25 % more income than I did the previous year ” is a much more clearly defined goal with measures and a timeline .
Picking an attainable clearly defined goal will be a key factor in your success . Clearly define your goal and write it down somewhere where you can see it daily . Doing this to even the minutest details will allow you to see it as a reality . Meditation can be a great tool as well in order to enhance this as it will show you clarity as success is approached . Visualize yourself in the place where you


By Juan Rojas

New Year ’ s resolutions …. Some love them , others hate them , and many simply ignore them . In theory , New Year ’ s resolutions are something very positive . It is a promise to yourself about self-improvement . About growing as a person , having better health , being in better shape or even thriving in personal and financial wealth . Is that not the point of life ? To be better today than we were yesterday ? This constant self-improvement and growth are what allows us to avoid past mistakes and live a better life as we grow from life lessons .

So why is it that there are many people who have a negative view of New Year ’ s resolutions ?

Because it is human nature to base our opinion or judgement of something with how an experience in the past went . If you go to a restaurant , and you thought the food was terrible , chances are you probably are not wanting to go back . What if you find out that that same restaurant changed ownership and there is a new chef as well . Even if you have a million friends tell you about how amazing it is , you are still going to have a negative because of your past experience there . Same thing happens with New Year ’ s resolutions .

Many individuals have found themselves making them and consistently failing at them every year . Perhaps their goal was to lose 20 lbs . and after 3 weeks in the gym they are finding that it is challenging to take that time from another activity of the day . Perhaps someone wants to do their first bodybuilding show and they find that after a few weeks of dieting , it is much harder and slower than they imagined . There are 2 main reasons why individuals give up on their resolutions , the first one is not properly setting up goals and planning to achieve them . The other one is the fact that some individuals lack the ability to stay accountable to themselves with the promise they made to themselves .

First , let ’ s talk about how to properly set up goals .

The first step towards achieving a goal , will be to research how long it realistically takes to get there . Once you do this , you must evaluate your personal life and commitment towards your goals in order to set a date of when exactly you want to achieve this goal by . You also want a way to specifically measure your progress towards this goal with . If your goal is simply “ I want to be successful and rich ,” it will be much harder to achieve as this is not clearly defined and has no timeline . Something like “ I want to get that promotion at work and make 25 % more income than I did the previous year ” is a much more clearly defined goal with measures and a timeline .

Picking an attainable clearly defined goal will be a key factor in your success . Clearly define your goal and write it down somewhere where you can see it daily . Doing this to even the minutest details will allow you to see it as a reality . Meditation can be a great tool as well in order to enhance this as it will show you clarity as success is approached . Visualize yourself in the place where you