CANADIAN PHYSIQUE ALLIANCE January/February 2021 | Page 16

2020 IS BEHIND US make 2021 your best year yet !

laser focus being present today

2020 IS BEHIND US make 2021 your best year yet !

Here we are , 2020 behind us , a year for the history books indeed . This year has been one of the craziest , tragic , interesting , unique and all around bizarre in the history of our lives . For me and many that we know , coach and have been close to for a long time over the years being part of this industry and in this lifestyle that we love and cherish so much , this year has accentuated some not so ideal situations .
Most of us have experienced certain ups and downs , inconsistencies with work , family , life relationships , all kinds of things that can put roadblocks and impediments in front of us . All kinds of stuff that we have to deal with while we are on our path of Bodybuilding , Figure , Physique and all realms of fitness goals have been heightened this year . Those in prep for shows have been particularly impacted .
Yet with this last I don ’ t believe any of us have experienced anything this degree of imposing kinds of road blocks issues for us to have to tackle to stay on track . Question is what do we do when things arise that would take us off course , all things that can affect us if we allow them to . For instance , on a much smaller scale we may go through a tragedy in the family , we may lose our job , have a loss of relationship , certainly these things are our awful and painful , they are however singular and we can face them when they come with a staunch forward thinking mindset and we can overcome .
Two things that really help with the process of battling through tough situations are maintaining clarity and focus . One is what we put into our bodies nutritionally so that our head is firing on all cylinders and how we treat our body , so we do not feel negatively affected by any deviation we have caused , yes TRAINING .
Typically when we have a hard day we go to the gym , we had a hard day we wake up we go to the gym . These kinds of days and these issues are most often sorted out in a fundamentally decisive way by the act of physical exercise . We hold the gym in the highest place of exultation for overcoming these rough patches .
Now this last year , for the first time ever on a national scale our