When you interpret pre-show jitters as an adrenaline rush of excitement , not anxiety , you can keep those nerves in check and use that excitement to propel you forward rather than feeling anxious and experiencing self doubt about your ability to step on stage .
Using Nerves to your Advantage :
When you ’ re aware you ’ re feeling anxious , ask yourself , “ what am I thinking ?”, as anxiety starts with your thoughts about the situation . If you think you ’ re anxious or fearful , you will most likely feel anxious starting the show .
Instead of telling yourself , “ I am so nervous ” or “ X Competitor looks better than I do ” when you feel those pre-show jitters appear , say to yourself “ I ’ m so excited ; I ’ m so prepared for this moment ” or “ I look good and I ’ m going to do some damage on that stage ”.
If you need suggestions on how to better interpret the feelings of fear or anxiety , please contact me at ( 416 ) 805-6155 or email me at
lesley @ timbol . ca so I can help you make those ‘ butterflies ’ fly in formation .