My first challenge to my clients is to always catch yourself when you start negative self- talk. Smash those negative words in their tracks and immediately shift them to a positive statement. This is hard in the beginning and most likely you will no believe what ever you tell yourself, but over time this practise really pays off, and you slowly notice things you love about yourself first! #BRAINTRAIN Just as it says, train your brain. Get on the training the brain train. LOL. You get where I am going with this. Your brain is a muscle and if you chose to train it to be negative, you will think negative thoughts. Alternatively if you train yourself to see things from a positive place, you will have more positive thoughts. It really is that simple, but NOT easy to do. So like a workout, commit to time each day that you list, or acknowledge positive things about yourself and your life! WOULD I SAY THIS TO.... I could bet all my life savings that you would NEVER catch yourself saying what you say to yourself, to your friends, family, loved ones etc. Would you? Would you say to them, "Whoa girl those stretch marks are huge!" "Um, I'm just going to crop out your bottom half because your thighs are fat" "Of course you take a second serving like you can't even control what you put in your mouth!" No, no, no... You would never. Because it sounds horrible. It is horrible. Yet, we abuse ourselves with these words every single day. So start the process I have listed above, because you do not deserve to say to yourself, what you would never say aloud to anyone else!