bA year later I switched to Classic
Physique, obtaining the 2017
Provincial Overall Title as well.
Throughout the years, my passion for
bodybuilding led me to become a
personal trainer to share the
knowledge I had acquired with others
that wanted to improve their quality
of life and set and reach goals,
competitive or non-competitive!
In 2015 I founded ATLAS
Bodybuilding, a service that strives to
solidify discipline, hard work, and
persistence in every one of its clients
to improve not only their health but
every aspect of their lives.
I am very excited to be a part of the
I started weightlifting at the age of CPA as an Ambassador and I
17 with a desire to increase muscle encourage coaches and athletes of
mass and strength. I quickly became any team to contact me as I would be
interested in the art of bodybuilding more than happy to provide
and realized that it was much more information and clarification
than just lifting weights and that if I regarding the CPA. Let's work
wanted to progress, the nutrition together towards the betterment and
aspect needed to be solidified. growth of bodybuilding and fitness in
A few years into the lifestyle I
decided to do my first competition
and although it didn't go as desired,
it became clear that this takes time
and patience. I persisted through
the years and in 2016 I won my class
at the MABBA Provincial
Championship, obtaining the title of
Mr. Mabitoba.