Reduce eating out and only buy the necessities. It might not be as fun if you can’t go out to eat every week, but having pizza Wednesday, wing Thursday and Chinese Friday can certainly destroy your bank account. If you can only eat out once a month, then it is a sacrifice you should make to get good foods. Also, being at the grocery store it can be very tempting to pick up some ice cream, or some diet pop even. But if you are finding that you cannot fit that into your budget, get rid of it. Use savings programs at grocery stores. Oftentimes grocery stores will have point systems you can accumulate in order to trade them in for free items in the future. Remember, the quality of fuel you put in your body directly affects how you feel and how your health is. Do not let the thought of saving money make you cheap out on your nutrition. With some proper planning and research, you can still eat very good, high quality foods and still be on a good budget!