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Submissions Open for Canadian Songwriting Competition
Submissions are being accepted until Jan . 31 , 2018 for the second annual Canadian Songwriting Competition .
Each online entry requires an original song , a copy of the lyrics , and an entry fee of $ 30 . Submissions are open to all amateur and professional songwriters who live in and / or are citizens of Canada . If there are multiple writers on a single entry , at least 50 per cent of the writers must be Canadian . This year , there is a $ 10,000 cash component to the grand prize and over $ 40,000 in cash and prizes is up for grabs .
For more information , go to www . songwritingcanada . com .
CMW 2018 Accepting Artist Showcase Submissions
Canadian Music Week is now accepting submissions via Sonicbids for artist showcases at its 2018 edition , which will take place from May 7-13 in Toronto . The application deadline is Jan . 7 , 2018 with an application fee of $ 62 .
Performing artists will receive complimentary registration to CMW ’ s Music Summit , as well as a two-year membership to the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Music and reduced hotel rates .
Each year , the CMW festival and conference brings together thousands of industry insiders from Canada and around the world , including talent buyers , booking agents , festival programmers , music publishers , A & R reps , managers , music supervisors , and more .
For more information , go to ww . cmw . net .
Canadian Musician recently surveyed musicians and music industry professionals about their financial security – specifically , their level of preparedness for medical or other emergencies . Here are some findings , with the complete results available at www . canadianmusician . com / blog .
How much
of your yearly income comes from music or music-related jobs ?
75-100 % 50-75 % 25-50 % 1-25 % NONE
25 % 74 % 15 % 41 % 12 %
46 %
73 %
28 %
51 %
61 %
of respondents don ’ t have any insurance beyond government-funded healthcare
didn ’ t know the Canadian Federation of Musicians offers members dental & health insurance packages
say they would be in a dire financial situation if an accident or medical emergency ended their music career … 27 % say they ’ d be negatively impacted
say they or someone they know have been in a dire financial situation because a medical emergency or accident ended their music career
have never heard of the Unison Benevolent Fund
Beyond the government-funded healthcare in your province , do you have any additional insurance coverage ( dental , medication , income insurance , disability insurance , etc .) through employer benefits or other private insurance plan ?
Yes 54 % No 46 %
Are you aware that the Canadian Federation of Musicians ( CFM ) offers dental & health insurance packages for members ?
Yes 27 % No 73 %
If , because of an accident or medical emergency , you could no longer record or perform music , or perform your other music-related jobs , how severely would you be affected financially ?
It would put me in a dire situation 28 % I ’ d be negatively impacted , but not dire 27 %
Not sure 9 % It wouldn ’ t affect my finances too much 22 % It wouldn ’ t affect my finances at all 14 %
Have you or someone you know ever been in a financial emergency because of an inability to perform music and / or a music-related job due to a medical emergency or accident ?
Yes 51 % No 49 %
How aware are you of the Unison Benevolent Fund , which provides counselling and emergency relief to professional musicians and members of the Canadian music industry ?
I know it well 6 % I ' m vaguely aware of it & what it does 14 % I ' ve heard the name , but that ' s it 19 % Never heard of it 61 %