Canadian Music Trade - February / March 2020 | Page 29

“It’s the big ones, like the Walmarts of this world, who of course have huge control,” Evans says, noting that since about 2005, Walmart has imposed sustainability guidelines on its suppliers to get them to re- duce packaging and CO2 emissions, among other things. For small, niche retailers like the major- ity of Canada’s MI dealers, the “number one thing would really be the energy savings, in so far as they can control their own costs, depending on the environment in which they’re selling,” Evans says. “The return on investment from energy reduction is the highest, with lighting and heating being the number one area.” Of course, the larger the space, the more the business stands to benefit, cost-wise, from reducing lighting and heating energy consumption. Often, it’s about simple improvements. For exam- ple, changing all light bulbs to LEDs and installing sensors so the lights aren’t staying on in empty rooms. That alone can reduce a store’s energy consumption by up to 25 per cent, depending on its size. It’s also about turning off computers, cash registers, printers, TVs, and other electronics at the end of the day. And when purchasing any new electronics or appliances, opt for products with Energy Star or Safer Choice certification. “What’s the waste generated by the store and how can you reduce that waste? Sometimes there are charges for [garbage collection], so when you look at greening retail, you’re also look at reducing costs. So, there’s a pretty good incentive for any business to want to become sustainable. Sometimes there’s an initial charge up- front, but often the return on investment is pretty fast,” says Evans. Sometimes the biggest impact a smaller store can have is on influencing the actions of their employees and even customers. That may involve fostering a culture of environ- mental awareness, which begins with consul- tations. Store owners and managers should not begin by imposing new moral rules on their teams; instead, they can consult with employees, explaining earnestly why they want to improve the business’s recycling and waste- and energy-reduction practices – even in small ways. With their buy-in, it could extend beyond the walls and operating hours of the store. “I think that sort of culture can be en- couraged for store staff, and that retailers can encourage their customers to think about sustainability,” says Evans. “Also, in looking at a sustainability strategy, I really think you want to talk to all the stakeholders, which includes your customers. What does sustain- ability mean to them? What is important to them? They may come up with great ideas or things that they think are higher priorities than others. You also want to talk to your suppliers about what they have done and can do in addition to your staff. So, you talk to the various stakeholders and then you’ve got your checklist of things you can do. Then you have to strategize about how that fits in with the values of your business. So, you’re developing a strategy and timeframe and then planning how to implement your overall strategy.” For employees, there can be rewards or incentives to, for example, take public transit to work instead of driving, or any number of other beneficial actions. But ultimately, if the business has a culture of priding itself on being a good global citizen, it rubs off on others. It also makes employees prouder and more loyal to the business. After all, everyone likes to feel that their work is help- ing rather than hurting the world, and that feeling may be more ingrained in the music world than other retail sectors. Once you have a sustainability strategy in place, no matter how big or small, don’t be shy about letting customers know. There may be ways that regular customers can get involved. Plus, studies have shown that customers are more loyal to environ- mentally-conscious businesses. In fact, Aberdeen Group, an internation- al marketing company that studies buyer be- haviour, found that retailers’ environmental strategies “represent not only a strategic and tactical shift in internal business processes and cost-efficiencies but also – and signifi- cantly – a new way of engaging the customer by leveraging sustainability initiatives to enter into a partnership with the customer as good global citizens. Aberdeen data suggests that retailers achieve not only dramatic cost savings, but also dramatically improved customer loyalty.” In short, there is no one-size-fits-all envi- ronmental strategy for MI retailers. But it doesn’t require a mammoth effort from every store. In fact, in a research report she co-authored with folks from Toronto & Region Conservation and the Conservation Foundation of Greater Toronto, Evans and co. found that if just five per cent of Canadi- an retailers and their suppliers reduced their energy consumption by 10 per cent, the estimated energy savings in one year would be equal to the energy required to power half a million homes – or all of Ottawa – and would cut greenhouse gas emissions by 1.4 million tonnes, or the equivalent of remov- ing 233,000 cars from the road for a year. So, if you’re a chain of 80-plus stores across the country (that, I don’t know, hap- pens to rhyme with “strong blockade”) then there is a lot that can be done. They can encourage/pressure suppliers to reduce their wasteful packaging and carbon emissions, or install solar panels on owned properties (worth mentioning: there are federal and provincial government rebates available for solar panels, Energy Star appliances, and more), or introduce policies at the store level. But small independent retailers can make a difference with a team effort to cut waste and energy use, which can in turn save a few bucks. Bottom line, it’s worth the effort. Michael Raine is the Senior Editor of Canadian Music Trade CANADIAN MUSIC TRADE 29