Canadian Music Trade - February / March 2020 | Page 28

Business Matters By Michael Raine CAN MI Retail GO GREEN? As climate scientists’ dire warnings about global warming grow more urgent and the timeline for needed action shrinks, every company’s environmental impact is under scrutiny. Whether motivated by prospects of good or bad press or an earnest concern for the world’s survival, there has been a noticeable and accelerating shift in retail over the last decade towards environmental conscious- ness. From Walmart and Ikea to Canadian fashion outlet Simons, major retailers are installing solar panels, reducing waste, and pressuring suppliers to reduce their carbon footprints. But at Canadian Music Trade, we started wondering if there is much MI retailers can do to reduce their environmental impact. The answer, it appears, is yes – but how 28 CANADIAN MUSIC TRADE much of an impact (or reduced impact) an MI retailer can have depends on the size and nature of their store. “We have seen that retailers are obvious- ly very concerned, not only from a cost perspective but also from a world threat that we all face. Most have gone through the top- line energy efficiencies, like going to LED lights, and then you’re looking at savings in terms of heat and HVAC, etc. But many cannot really control these depending on whether they’re in a shopping centre or not,” states Wendy Evans of Toronto-based retail specialists Evans & Company Consultants, which, among other things, specializes in greening retail. “The more forward retailers have been looking at supply chains and seeing how they can reduce packaging and reduce the carbon footprint of their suppliers. The supply chain is over 90 per cent of a retailer’s carbon footprint; I think most retailers don’t realize that,” Evans reveals. For any MI retailer concerned with their environmental impact, that is the tough reality we learned because, of course, one store is unlikely to have the purchasing power to influence its suppliers’ sustainabil- ity practices. And while more generalized retailers can choose different suppliers based on their environmental practices, MI retailers typically don’t have that luxury, depending on the brands and types of products they carry.