Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine June / July 2018 | Page 88

One key aspect that many have not commented on is the distinction made in law between hemp and cannabis. Yes, the purest among us know that hemp is indeed a type of cannabis but more and more the two are being referred to as hemp and cannabis (replacing the term “marijuana”). The Ontario Act is one key example depicting hemp as distinct from cannabis.

The potential $1-trillion-dollar Hemp industry is about to get real in Canada as industrial hemp will not require the same security and will not need to adhere to many of the grow restrictions of its THC cousin. GMP facilities are expected to be the requirement rather than production only at a Health Canada licensed producer. Hemp is expected to be deemed NHP (Natural Health Product). If all happens as many expect, industrial hemp (in products) may find its way on to store shelves in just months if not weeks. This article is an excellent summary.

The main controversy arising from the Senate amendments appears to be the one that eliminates an LPs ability to use its brand on apparel, accessories, signage, etc. The fear from the Senate is that such brand awareness in the public eye could expose children to the potential dangers that some believe exist. Of course, similar risks apparently do not exist in the alcohol industry or taught in schools through controversial and socially divisive topics.