Canadian CANNAINVESTOR Magazine June / July 2018 | Page 87

On June 19th, Canada became the first G7 country to end prohibition - click here

Now more than ever you need to rely on trusted sources for your information. There is nothing wrong, as we have said repeatedly, using bulletin boards, social media, and platforms such as

Reddit to raise your awareness and to stay current. Although a harsh tone, Jason Spatafora, the self-proclaimed Wolf of Weed Street, tweeted on June 5th “most of those guys post in-between taking orders at McDonalds” when referring to investor discussions on the popular Reddit platform. The key word Jason used was “most” - so not all. I would like to think the more appropriate words would be “potentially some” rather than “most”. However, we know the paid promotors and hucksters could use such platforms - why gamble with your investments? Your savings? Your future?

Remember - yes we have made history but until Royal Assent is granted and the full framework in place it is not still available legally. There is no grey market - remember that. Anyone who claims illegal dispensaries operate in a grey market they are misinformed or are lying. It really is that simple.

For source documents and commentary by the industry’s top legal term simply CLICK HERE (Canada Cannabis Legal). Please be sure to also read this month’s article by Whitney Abrams and Matt Maurer appearing elsewhere in this issue as it discusses what to expect leading up to Royal Assent.

This CBC piece is not only succinct but contains several links to other excellent sources.