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Alcohol Abuse – Causes, Signs and Treatment • What are the causes of alcohol abuse? • There are a number of reasons why people might abuse alcohol including social pressure, stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, tension, unhappiness, self-doubt, family history, and as a coping mechanism. • How can doctors diagnose alcohol abuse? • The frequent consumption of alcohol hinders or interferes with the person’s responsibilities at school, work, and home. • The frequent consumption of alcohol puts the person abusing alcohol or others at risk of accidents or in other forms of physical danger (such as driving or operating machinery under the influence, consuming alcohol during pregnancy, consuming alcohol with drugs). • The person abusing alcohol lands into legal trouble due to alcohol consumption (such as drunk driving). • The relationships of the person abusing alcohol are severely affected. • Which is the best treatment for alcohol abuse? • There are many forms of treatment available to treat alcohol abuse. Each treatment has a different effect on each patient. However, there is one definite factor – the sooner a person receives treatment, the quicker they will recover. • Behavioural therapy is an effective form of treatment for alcohol abuse, which may include counselling sessions, support groups, or both. Also, the doctor might prescribe some medications to treat alcohol abuse. The function of these medications is to help a person curb their drinking.