Canadian Addiction Rehab Where There Is Life There Is Hope! | Page 6

What Is Alcohol Abuse? • If a person is drinking too much alcohol in one go or too frequently in the week then they have an alcohol abuse problem, which might harm the person’s relationships, health, work and legal issues. Also, this can interfere with a person’s functionality and productivity at the workplace, or in other parts of a person’s life. • Alcohol abuse can eventually result in alcohol dependency and alcoholism while consuming large quantities of alcohol in a single sitting can cause alcohol poisoning. A person should always drink in moderation. A female should consume no more than one drink per day, while a man should consume no more than two drinks in one day. One drink, in this case, equals to: • 1.5 ounces of liquor (such as rum, whisky, and tequila) • 5 ounces of wine • 12 ounces of beer