Campus Review Volume 25. Issue 4 | Page 10

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UA OKs international education plan

Peak body supports focus on high-quality , collaborative research and resources for foreign students .
By Andrew Bracey

Universities Australia has given its initial endorsement of the government ’ s draft national strategy for international education . The organisation says the plan has the potential to make Australian university graduates “ true global citizens – able to compete for the best jobs all over the world ”.

The document , which the education minister , Christopher Pyne , released in mid- April , is the first of its kind from an Australian government . It warns that without a concerted effort Australia may lose its place amongst the best education systems in the world and that its capacity to attract the best students , teachers , academics and researchers would be severely diminished , along with opportunities to maintain global partnerships .
“ Consultation on international education and a co-ordinated national strategy that covers all the dimensions of global engagement , including language study , student , academic and professional exchange , research collaboration and internationalised curriculum , is vital to stay competitive and expand the reach of Australian international education ,” the draft document concludes . “ Through this new architecture , we will set a clear path for growth and ensure our most successful knowledge industry and largest services export is sustainable in the face of intensifying competition .”
The strategy is built around the key themes of strengthening national education policy collaboration with international institutions , and ensuring the education as well as experiences of international students are high quality and internationally competitive .
“ International education is one of Australia ’ s greatest under-the-radar export success stories ,” Pyne said . “ It has been estimated that over the next decade , international education could double in value to the Australian economy , creating tens of thousands of local jobs .
“ With many traditional industries under pressure , Australia is well placed to harness the knowledge boom , meet international demand for education and prepare people for professional jobs globally .”
Universities Australia chief executive Belinda Robinson said she was particularly pleased that the document included what she described as a government commitment “ to investment in collaborative research and research infrastructure ”. Robinson says she “ looks forward to seeing this reflected in the coming federal Budget ”.
“ The ability to produce high-quality collaborative research is critical for cementing our position as one of the best higher education systems in the world ,” she said . “ The inclusion of a goal specifically focused on improving the quality of the educational and living experience for international students is also strongly supported by Universities Australia .
“ In particular , we need to ensure international students have access to affordable accommodation , receive transport concessions equal to domestic students and have genuine opportunities to undertake relevant work experience .”
Robinson added that UA looked forward to working with governments , students and industry in refining the draft strategy .
Meanwhile , Council of International Students Australia president Thomson Ch ’ ng also welcomed the draft strategy . “ It is a very commendable effort for the government to come up with a draft strategy , a national strategy for international education ,” Ch ’ ng said . “ It is certainly something that is much needed for this sector and also for international students .”
Ch ’ ng said the council welcomed the engagement opportunity from the department to address the right issues challenging international students in Australia , from a macro perspective .
“ After years of repetitive analysis and discussions on the same issues , it is time to move things forward by coming out with action plans ,” he added . “ We are pleased to offer our contributions and solutions to the challenges faced by our peers through strategic actions , improving the quality of the international student experience in Australia .”
However , the CISA president urged the government to ensure that student peak bodies as well as professional peak bodies were given a role in shaping the strategy during the conceptualisation stages .
“ I think that certainly more can be done based on what is going to be expected from the draft , and I think there are certain things we have to address accordingly ,” Ch ’ ng said . n