ON THE MOVE campusreview . com . au
This word ’ s connection with electronic media is flagged in the e-prefix , but the second component may have you guessing on first encounter . It ’ s the word retailer without its first syllable , and so technically a “ blend ” or what Louis Carroll called “ portmanteau ” words . In fact , this one carries quite a lot of baggage since its beginnings in the 1990s , when online shopping was a new phenomenon , and e-commerce had only just begun to be talked about . The OED online indicates it was first applied to online discount stores and supermarkets , selling all manner of cheap and cheaper goods . Twenty years later it is mostly embraced by high-end online retailers , styling themselves as luxury e-tailers and often in the fashion market . That includes customised shoes at $ 872 from high-end designer Net-A-Porter , and even bedroom furniture from the customised mattress e-tailer Sleeping Duck . Cute names help to identify the lesser players on the e-tailer scene , such as wine e-tailer Vinomofo and used-car e-tailer HelloCars – unlike Amazon , the world ’ s ultimate e-tailer , which needs no epithet . On social media they can all promote themselves ( little and large ), whether they aim to establish themselves as influencers in the luxury market , or offer the best discounts in mass-market goods . In this respect social media creates a level playing field for all kinds of players in the e-commerce game .
Written by Emeritus Professor Pam Peters , researcher with Macquarie University ’ s Linguistics Department
Professor Attila Brungs will move across town to become UNSW Sydney ’ s new President and Vice-Chancellor as of 31 January next year .
Brungs , the current vice-chancellor and president of the University of Technology Sydney ( UTS ), will succeed Professor Ian Jacobs in his new role at UNSW .
“ Professor Brungs ’ inclusive leadership style as well as his commitment to students , to innovation and to partnerships with community and industry , will also perfectly align with our strategy ,” UNSW chancellor David Gonski said .
Swinburne University of Technology ’ s deputy vice-chancellor , research and enterprise , Professor Bronwyn Fox , will become the CSIRO ’ s next Chief Scientist .
Swinburne vice chancellor Professor Pascale Quester said that Swinburne ’ s loss would be very much CSIRO ’ s gain .
“ We are thrilled that she has been appointed to this critically important role with the CSIRO .”
Professor Fox , who began her career at the CSIRO , said : “ I am passionate about championing science research and capability , as well as working with industry and fostering STEM careers .”
Charles Sturt University Professor of Food Sustainability , Niall Blair , has been appointed as Chairperson of the Biodiversity Conservation Trust ( BCT ).
“ Mr Blair ’ s strong ties to and deep understanding of the agricultural sector is going to be key in ensuring the protection , conservation and management of biodiversity on private land continues to be a priority ,” Environment Minister Matt Kean said .
Blair said he was excited to continue working with the other six board members and executive teams in the BCT as they continue to support and encourage private landholders to participate in land conservation .
Jennes ‘ Jay ’ Walker has been appointed by Charles Darwin University as its new
Associate Vice-Chancellor , Central Australia .
“ This is new role and a first for CDU which demonstrates the university ’ s knowledge and understanding of a place-based approach toward decision-making and prioritisation ,” he said .
Walker said he would focus on bringing campus life back to Alice Springs and introducing a range of higher education qualifications on campus ensuring Territorians have an opportunity to live and study in Alice Springs .
University of Wollongong senior deputy vicechancellor , Professor Joe Chicharo , has been appointed to the Higher Education Standards Panel to advise the Australian Government on higher education quality and standards .
“ Professor Chicharo ’ s appointment to this prestigious panel reflects his standing as a leader in the international higher education sector ,” UOW vice chancellor Professor Patricia Davidson said .
Chicharo , who has been with UOW for 36 years , said : “ I ’ m honoured to be appointed and look forward to working with other leaders to advise government during this unprecedented time of disruption and change in higher education in Australia and globally .”
The University of Tasmania has appointed Alison Watkins as its new chancellor .
Watkins , an alumna and self-described farm girl , has also been the CEO of major Australian businesses including GrainCorp and Coca-Cola Amatil .
“ I have been the recipient of many wonderful things as a result of my time at the University of Tasmania . For me this is very much an opportunity to give back ,” she said . University Deputy Chancellor Harvey Gibson said the appointment was based on Watkins ’ deep connection to Tasmania , her extensive corporate and board experience , and strong commitment to equity and the enduring power of education .