Campaign Gazette - Bekki & Michael - Media 2015 Gazette 1
Campaign Gazette
Bekki & Michael - Media 2015
Who are we?
Bekki is a hick from Rangiora, a dead
What makes us a good team?!
end town outside of Christchurch
We are two third
(despite her telling us otherwise). Her
We’ve known each other for over two
years who are keen
primary skills are cattle milking,
and a half years now and over that
to be your Media
harvest collecting and saying ‘heck!’ a
entire time we’ve lived together. If that
lot, but she also has much to bring to
isn’t enough (if you had experienced
the role of a media officer. She has
Michael’s lacklustre cooking ability
extensive experience in blogging and
y o u w o u l d k n o w t h a t ’s p r e t t y
student journalism, and has studied
impressive) we’ve also managed to
Media for the last 3 years. Media is equally a part of
live with four other lovely flatmates for the same
Bekki’s employment, her job requires her to manage
amount of time without anything falling to pieces. We
the online presence of a cosmetics company,
reckon this sums up the kind of teamwork we can
including its website and Facebook page. "
bring to the media officer role. We can work well
together as a pair, and in a team, and we aren’t afraid
to call each other out if we think something isn’t right.
Michael is a quick talking pest from Wellington,
Executive roles aren’t always easy, and this kind of
however his earlier years spent in the UK make him
cooperation is essential to get the job done."
sound like a bit of a snob. Though he likes to think he
was born to be a dancer or professional athlete, his
physical ability only extends to him taking the stairs
We also know our strengths. If we were to attain the
when he’s in the Kate Edger building. Instead,
position, we plan to split the work where it suits.
Michael’s area of expertise is making people laugh.
Michael is the perfect man for the job of a creative
He’s done comedy debates, dabbled in stand-up and
editor, but he’s also mentally eight years old. He
occasionally makes a witty Facebook status that gets
needs Bekki for any of his ideas to come to fruition.
more than five likes. He also has history in writing
and student journalism, and made most of the good
posters in last year’s law school elections."