Communications Coord
Main Duties
The Communications Coordinator has two principal duties : to run the website contest and take accurate minutes at all NJCL meetings . While these may seem like simple tasks , they are essential for ensuring our organization runs smoothly and efficiently . As such , you must be well prepared to take them on .
In addition , the Communications Coordinator is responsible for clear communication , as the title suggests , so you must be well organized so that the NJCL provides accurate information to its members .
Lilia AitSahlia
How to Prepare
Candidates should prepare for office by developing their own style of minute-taking , so that they can adequately complete the responsibilities expected of the CoCo .
The office of Communications Coordinator is unique in that its official duties can be expanded upon so that each CoCo can make the office their own . Therefore , make sure you bring a unique platform when campaigning . For example , to ensure open communication , the ‘ 22- ‘ 23 CoCo instituted the bi-monthly newsletter , and I have redone the NJCL Website ' s calendar .