Before Election Tasks
Before you consider running for office, make sure you are eligible (check page 3) to look over the requirements of running for office.
The NJCL Board is comprised of President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Communication Coordinator, Parliamentarian, Historian, and Editor. Each role will be explained in the following pages.
Once you have chosen an office and the Parliamentarian has sent out all of the candidate numbers, you may decide to switch in late June. All candidates will be notified of candidate numbers soon after the pre-filing deadline and will have adequate time to think about running for a different office.
“Pre-filing” is a term Parliamentarians use to describe the process of applying to be a prospective candidate. You may find the application here, It is due to the NJCL Parliamentarian ([email protected]) and the Constitutional Advisor ([email protected]) by June 15th.
Many states require candidates to be nominated to run by the state delegation, Executive Board, or State Chairs. If this is not the case, be sure to check with your State Chair to make sure you can run. Remember that each state may only send ONE candidate.
In addition to the traditional nomination form, each prospective candidate for the office of President is required to submit a suggested theme and its rationale for the 2023 national convention. You may find the form here.
Virtual Candidates
A candidate who attends the NJCL convention virtually may be eligible to still run for national office! You will have to identify on your nomination form that you are planning to participate virtually, and gain approval from your state chair to do so. Remember a state may only send one candidate (ie you may NOT send one in-person candidate and one virtual, the state is only allowed one candidate in total) The election procedure will be modified for a virtual candidate. All speeches will be pre-recorded and social media campaigning will be allowed for someone who is participating virtually. We will do our best to accommodate virtual candidates but a candidate wishing to run virtually must accept the differences compared to those running in-person. If a pre-filed candidate becomes sick before the convention, by emailing the parliamentarian, they will be eligible to still run for office virtually.