Financial Assistance
The park district believes in making programs available for all children in Glenview . If you are in need of financial assistance in order to participate , the park district offers Recreational Leisureship scholarships . Assistance will be granted to families who qualify based upon need and availability of funds . This financial assistance program is available to Glenview Park District residents only . For additional information , visit glenviewparks . org / district-forms , or our team at the Park Center Customer Service Desk is available to answer questions at 847-724-5670 .
Are you covered ?
The park district does not carry medical or accident insurance for program participants .
Still have questions ?
Contact the Park Center Customer Service Desk at 847-724-5670 or at registration @ glenviewparks . org .
Hours : M-F • 9 am-7:30 pm ; Sa and Su • 9 am-3 pm
No Nuts / Food Allergies
All park district camps have been designated NUT SAFE . These practices are being implemented due to the rapid increase in serious nut allergies experienced by children in our programs today . We are requesting your cooperation in partnering with us to ensure a safe environment for children with nut allergies . If a camper comes to camp with a nut product , parents will be issued a reminder that nut products are not allowed in camp . The item will be removed from the room or camp environment and the camper may not eat it . Camp directors will contact the parent to request an alternative lunch or snack from home . If the camper brings a nut product again , the camp director will discuss the matter with their supervisor for further action and issue a warning . After a third offense , the camper will be removed from camp with no refund for the remainder of the summer . Peanut replacement products , such as soy butter , are not allowed at camp due to potential challenges our staff may face in distinguishing between nut-based and nut-free products once they are unpackaged or prepared . Please note that this policy extends to similar items like Nutella , cashew butter , and any other products that could be mistakenly identified as nut-based items . These items are not permitted at camp . Items may also not be made in a facility with nut products .
Our Doors Open Early
We open our doors 15 minutes prior to the start of camp to begin signing campers in . This allows more time for activities and more time to get siblings to other camp locations on time . Please note that Funshine Club drop-off will not begin earlier than 9:15 am due to Park Center Preschool .
Camp Staff and Training
All camps are overseen by full-time supervisors of the Glenview Park District . Camp directors provide on-site supervision to create a safe and enjoyable experience . Each year , we are proud to welcome back our experienced camp counselors , along with new , talented , and energetic staff dedicated to keeping your child safe while having fun . All camp staff undergo a comprehensive training program that covers First Aid , CPR / AED , safety awareness , missing child procedures , activity development , and behavior management techniques .
Bus Transportation
For camps traveling by bus for field trips and swimming at Glenview outdoor pools , if the bus has seat belts , campers will use them . If the bus does not have seat belts , we will continue with the trip . Please note that we cannot guarantee that buses will have air conditioning ; however , windows will be opened to allow for fresh air circulation . In the event of inclement weather or if temperatures exceed a heat index of 100 degrees , we may reconsider longer field trips and adjust travel plans if the destination requires more than 45 minutes to an hour of travel time . Campers are expected to remain seated while on the bus except for loading and unloading . Camp staff carry cell phones on all trips for any unexpected emergencies .
Toilet Training
The Glenview Park District required that your child be toilet trained by the start of camp , with the exception of the Firstview Program . To avoid accidents with our preschool aged campers , our staff will do their best to take frequent bathroom breaks .
If there is an accident , you will be contacted immediately to bring a change of clothes . Ongoing accidents will result in the child being removed for the remainder of the camp .
Sign In & Out Procedures / Attendance
Campers must be signed in and out of camp every day by an authorized adult specified on the camper ’ s emergency form . The individual picking up the child must provide a photo I . D . at least the first week of camp so staff becomes familiar with the person ( s ) picking up the campers . If a new person shows up to pick up a camper , the staff member should ask their name , verify it is on the list and ask to see a photo I . D . If someone arrives to pick up a camper not on the authorized pick up list , camp staff will not release the camper to the individual until the authorized parent or legal guardian confirms that staff may release the camper to the individual . This includes the child ’ s parent or guardian . Campers aged 8 and above are permitted to sign themselves out of camp , provided they are listed as an authorized pick-up on ePACT .
On-time Camper Pick Up Procedure It is important to pick your campers up on time at the end of the day . By the end of camp , campers are ready to go home , staff have other commitments and schools need to lock up for the day . To help ensure on-time pick up , the following procedure has been put in place : First time late – a reminder about the proper pick up time will be given to the individual picking up the camper . Second time late – Once pick-up is 10 minutes late , parent is charged $ 15 and $ 1 for each additional minute . At the 30-minute mark , the fee increases to $ 5 per minute . Fee will be charged that same day .
Absence / Illness / Sick Camper Protocol If your child is ill , experiencing a fever , vomiting , diarrhea , undiagnosed rash , communicable diseases ( such as strep throat , influenza , COVID-19 , chicken pox , measles , etc .) do not send him / her to camp . All campers must be fever free for 24 hours ( without fever reducing medication ) before returning to camp . Children attending camp must be well enough to participate in all scheduled activities . Be sure to immediately report any communicable diseases to camp administration ( page 4 ) so other parents may be notified of possible exposure . There may be times you will be asked to provide a signed doctor ’ s note showing your child can return to camp . Confidentiality is respected at all times . If your child becomes ill during camp , we will notify you or your emergency contacts and require an authorized adult pick up your child . Glenview Park District does not prorate camp fees for missed days due to illness .
Register at glenviewparks . org